Branded Residences – Part 2: Branding Architecture
When we think about new residential real estate developments, we imagine their potential for changing the landscape of cities and contributing to the organic evolution of architectural vernacular. For us, these new buildings represent contemporary societal values and reflect our current social systems. They have the potential to be formidable works of art, and eloquent manifestations of human feeling and thought.
At Otherwise, we understand the world is changing fast, and our strengths lie in our ability to help our clients understand, manage and communicate moments of change. We closely follow the trends in the real estate market, and as we illuminate what matters to our clients through a process of empathic inquiry, we explore inventive ways to give voice to brand by constructing strategy, content and visual design around their projects. Brands don’t merely communicate credibility, endorsement and identification… We believe that brands — and especially brands-for-architecture — should also celebrate history, longevity, presence, aesthetics, creativity, reform and human thought.
When branding real estate development projects, our work begins before ground is broken. Through our thoughtful discussions with developers, architects and investors, we excavate their collective vision to find the project’s heart and inspiration, shaping our insight into a voice rich with authenticity and credibility. Simultaneously, we delve deeply into the contexts surrounding the building — culture, neighborhood, proximate architecture, human activities, history — enabling us to draw upon multiple systems of thought and language that are expressive of the project and its relation to its place within the city itself.
Armed with a clear sense of the building’s raison d’être, we create the core assets of the brand — name, compelling narratives and a distinctive visual identity designed to survive the test of time. These elements of the brand then set the stage for designing a robust, wholly integrated body of marketing tools including a website, construction site and building signage, collateral, advertising, social media program… Everything we do fits into a brand system, which, as a whole, illuminates the entire project. And with our passion for contributing to the architectural landscape, the brand emerges over an arc of time — as unique, expressive and enduring as the building itself.